Causes of Back Pain
June 4, 2018
Low back pain is among one of the most common causes of musculoskeletal complaints in the United States. Up to 15 percent of Americans seek medical treatment for low back pain, and countless more suffer leading to millions in loss of productivity.
Mechanical low back pain refers to non-neurogenic causes of back pain such as degenerative arthritis of the lumbar spine. Patients typically complain of stiffness and tightness in their low back with the pain occasionally radiating to the buttocks and the back of their legs. It is uncommon for mechanical low back pain to be associated with pain radiating below the knees or numbness, tingling or weakness. In those instances, pinching of one of the nerves to the lower leg (i.e. sciatica) should be suspected.
According to The Back Pain Authority, suffering lingering back pain after an epidural injection is one of the many possible complications of these common needle-based procedures. Epidural injections are used for many purposes, including anesthetic introduction, diagnostic processing, spinal fluid sampling, and various intervertebral disc-related procedures. By nature, all of these injections penetrate the epidural space, which contains the dura mater, spinal fluid, the spinal nerves, and the spinal cord within the central vertebral canal.
There have been many treatments proposed to relieve low back pain, but few have withstood the test of science. However, proper ergonomics and a stretching and strengthening program designed to condition the stabilizing core muscles and muscles of the spine have been proven and recommended to minimize the symptoms of low back pain.
At SimpleTherapy we take your pain seriously. That's why we have a variety of pain programs to alleviate your discomfort from the comfort of your own home. In seconds, you can easily design and create an exercise therapy program for your aching back or other joints.